Wednesday, November 23, 2011

User Centred Design

In interaction studies class, we had learn about user centred design. I am asking myself that what is the user centred design?

According to wikipedia, user-centred design is a design philosophy and a process in which the needs, wants, and limitations of end users of a product are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process.User Centred Design is the combination of graphic and usability which the balance of the good look and usable. A good design is not always satisfied customer because only customer know what they need and what they really want it. A design is a collaboration between designer and customer because designer is design for the customer so designer have to know and understand what the customer  need and what they really want with the design of the product.If the information from user is wrong,then the system will suffer. Designer have do more research of the information and different which is the correct or wrong information from the customer. Sometime designer will misunderstand the information from the customer,so one of the easiest way to prevent designer received wrong  information from customer is to have a good communication with customer.

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