Tuesday, December 27, 2011


 According to Wikipedia, the Modulor is an anthropometric scale of proportions devised by the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier. It was developed as a visual bridge between two incompatible scales, the Imperial system and the Metric system. It is based on the height of an English man with his arm raised. It was used as a system to set out a number of Le Corbusier's buildings.

Le modular is a scales that develop as a visual bridge. It base on the date of the research about a man's height, size and weight. This scale normally it use as a system for the Le Corbusier's buildingDue to this system, now we have our own country modular that shows us that our resident's height. size and weight. this system help us that how high should we building for our building.

Le Modulor supposes that harmonious design can, must, proceed from a scale of proportions analogous to the scale of tones used in music. This scale is derived from a six-foot high person with one arm above their head, the other hand held at waist high.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Design for different culture

A designer will be design for different culture is because the design should be respect, accept and understand to another country because culture that not all country are the same. For example The V sign is a hand gesture in which the index and middle fingers are raised and parted, while the other fingers are clenched. It has various meanings, depending on the cultural context and how it is presented. It is most commonly used to represent victory, as a symbol of peace but V sign is also an insult largely restricted to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, and the United Kingdom which it means Fuck off.

The picture above showing the v sign is peace.

 As we can see the guy showing his angry face with the v sign which it mean fuck off.

Designer should use generic icon as a guideline because generic icon is simple, easy to recognize and to let different country user easier to understand the product with the help of icon. The languages should use international languages which is English because it is only language that goes worldwide or option that allow for text expansion when translated from English.

generic icon

international languages

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Form follows function & Function follow form

According to research, Form follows function is a principle that states that the shape that something takes should be chosen based on its intended purpose and function.

Form follows function is often applied to architecture, engineering, industrial design and the statement form follows function can applies to graphic design. Form is everything which include form ,shape, colour lines and textures. For designers, form is the elements that make up our designs, with this element designer will know where to put  or what to put in a design. Function is an action and it is an objective of the design whether it is a sign giving directions.

Function needs form in order to achieve its objectives. Form without function is just a blank piece of paper. Function is deciding that a poster would be the best way to inform the general public. Function is specifying how much the band can spend on that poster. Form is choosing the size, colours, fonts, and images based on the function and arranging the text and graphics so that the poster attracts attention and looks good.

But function follow form works totally another way around, function follow form usually use to design buildings For example: from modern building (just a shape of a box) to a special shape of a building. All this building normally have alot of function, it look very special from the outside and inside have a lot of function.

Exhibition booth

Exhibition booth is a way for branding of a company to show thier product to the customer.  Exhibitions booth are always organize at exhibition halls, centers, foyers and shopping malls. This is easier for people to take part of the activities. The exhibition booth design is very important because it can attract more people and the deisgn will make the exhibition look more interesting and nicely.

There have some creative exhibition booth design

Logo design

Logo is the first image that user or customer to see or recognize. No matter where the customer come from, which country know which language, they still can recognize  the logo. A logo is a easiest image to recognize, with or without colour and typography it still can become a meaningful and easy recognizable to everyone. A good logo can attract customer and makes them remember the logo of the company.

Logo is a image that very independent. it can stand by itself with only few shape or just a typo. it is simple, nice and easy way to anyone to remember a image for a company. A logo represent the image of the company.

Some example of creative logo design

Creative fish shape logo

CRB bicycle group logo

 The s shape is like a sushi

this logo is design for women shoes

Monday, December 12, 2011

bus stop model

Bus Stop Project
Before i start my bus stop model , firstly I do experiment on colour that which one is most suitable for the bus stop design.

The picture above is the template of bus stop with my design.

This is my final bus stop model. This bus stop model is more focus on black and red colour and I put the logo at the roof is to get people attention and people can faster and easier to recognize the brand of the product when while waiting bus. There have two of the advertising that I put in the bus stop is to let people know more about the product. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

User Centred Design

In interaction studies class, we had learn about user centred design. I am asking myself that what is the user centred design?

According to wikipedia, user-centred design is a design philosophy and a process in which the needs, wants, and limitations of end users of a product are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process.User Centred Design is the combination of graphic and usability which the balance of the good look and usable. A good design is not always satisfied customer because only customer know what they need and what they really want it. A design is a collaboration between designer and customer because designer is design for the customer so designer have to know and understand what the customer  need and what they really want with the design of the product.If the information from user is wrong,then the system will suffer. Designer have do more research of the information and different which is the correct or wrong information from the customer. Sometime designer will misunderstand the information from the customer,so one of the easiest way to prevent designer received wrong  information from customer is to have a good communication with customer.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bus Stop Advertising

Bus stop advertising which shows the advertisement at the shelter, The purpose of the advertisement on the bus  is to get people attention and to let people read the advertising while waiting bus.When people stand there waiting for a bus they have higher chances to look at the shelter advertising board which promotes the latest product. Bus stop advertising has no time limit to promote, unlike TV advertising and radio advertising they have their working hour. Bus stop advertising has a great visibility, all the driver, pedestrians and bus riders will see the advertising. 

some creative bus stop advertising in the worlds.

IKEA Bus Stop

Real sofa from IKEA was placed in a bus stop shelter. It can let people try the sofa while waiting bus.

McDonald’s: Free coffee bus shelter  

McDonald’s was giving away free small cups of its brew for a two-week period, in an effort to attract new breakfast customers. A transit shelter was turned into an ‘hourglass,’ with an ever-diminishing number of coffee beans reminding customers of the promotion’s short-term nature.

 Fitness First: Bus stop

This fitness first bus shelter in Rotterdam, Netherlands boldly displays your weight using scales built in to the seats. Yes, the weight is in kilograms.

Bus stop – Only use electricity when you need it.

This bus stop advertising highlights the importance of saving energy by only illuminating the shelter when it is occupied. It only use electricity when you use the bus stop.

Packaging box for bus stop

Today,the lecturer teach and demonstrate how to make the packing for the bus stop model in the class.First we have to prepare a paper board. Second, we have to trace the template of the box on the paper board that the lecturer already prepare for us.Thirds, we cut it out using cutter and use coin to mark the line that we have to fold in each part of the board. The final step, we use PVC glue to glue it and use masking tape to make it stable.

The purpose of the box is to put the product into the box and the box can help to protect the product in any condition.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Graphic Design

I had learn about graphic design from Radzi Bedu in the interaction studies class. The way he teach is quite interesting and he make me easier to understand what is graphic design.

Graphic design is the art of visual communication that combines with picture, image, text and ideas to communicate message or information to an audience. A graphic designer is the one who manage all the arrangement and use element on different type of media. The common uses of graphic design include poster, magazine, newspaper, product package, website, photography,computer generate image, TV ads, menu, logo, typeface and T-shirt design. Graphic designer is to make thing look good and clearer and to make the produce more attractive.

Graphic design is a part of our daily life because that will always interact in our life such as newspaper and magazine. A good graphic design that should be communicate the idea or message very clean to the audience and the design does not make audience confuse. Even the design is just a picture, it able to bring out the idea to the audience.

Graphic design can show or explains the product behind of the story.For example, when we see the design, we understand the product that what the designer want to bring out just with some text and picture. Sometimes it can be either use image or text to represent a product to the audience. Graphic design brings image or text is look special or not ordinary that it will gets a lot of attention and great impression from the audience. Although an image can represent a thousand of words but sometime text can help audience more understand the design content.

A graphic designer should understands the material and target audience of the product. Some of the designer  will came out creative design is based on their experience and their research. There have a million type of the typeface in the world, designer have to choose suitable typeface for their product to make the product look special and attractive. Graphic designer is very important because they job is to change the world to more creative, colourful and much more interesting.

Some example of the graphic design

Working day

Today is the working day in the environmental class. Mr.Zilkiffli give us to do the sketches and consult to him in the class. I just sketch one of my  idea on the sketch book and consult to my lecturer.I explain the idea to Mr Zilkiffi and he give some comment and provide some good idea to me. He draw a sample on my sketch book that a people with a big mouth while eating mister potato. I have been chosen mister potato for my product and I have to design the advertising of the product apply to the the whole bus stop .I will show my idea in here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mister Potato

A product that I choose for environmental design project 1 is Mister Potato Crisp. Mister Potato Crisps are manufactured in Malaysia.Under the Mister Potato brand are two popular products, namely Mister Potato Chips and Mister Potato Crisps. Mister Potato Crisps was the product that catapulted the company Mamee Double-Decker Berhad into the status of a global player. Today, it is sold in over 120 countries and is the number one potato snack in Malaysia. All Mister Potato products are also certified Halal. There are five flavours available in our market such as original , BBQ, hot & spicy, sour cream & onion and cheese.

In the month of May 2010 Mister Potato produce a new product which is rice crisps. Rice Crisps by Mister Potato is a brand new form of snack that will be sure to revolutionize cravings for quick, crunchy crisps.Rice Crisps is the perfect composition of rice and potatoes, creating a crispy flavour packed with the rich wholesome goodness of rice and balanced by the integrity and texture of potatoes. 

Rice Crisps have 4 flavours same like the chips it have BBQ, Hot & Spicy, Sour Cream & Onion and of course the all time favourite and classic Original.

Rice Crisps lighter and more natural in flavour. However, if anyone or everyone looking for a quick and easy bite to ward off hunger and give their taste-buds a treat can enjoy this tasty snack.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Product advertising

Product advertising is form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products and ideas. Product advertising is usually showing in various media such as newspaper, magazine, television, radio, outdoor advertising, bus stop advertising, website and etc. The purpose of the Product advertising is to attract people to buy the product. The first things that get attention from audience are to have creativity. Creativity product advertising will look more interesting and the audience will look fresh on the idea. A good and a creative product advertising will make the audience have a good impression on the product.

some of the creativity product advertising that i found in Google

Malaysia Products

Malaysia is a country that it is very modern and it keeps improving day by day. It has been a lot of products develop by Malaysia such as Proton, Perodua, Ayamas, CSL and etc. Some of the brand or product develop to overseas, especially proton car.

Proton is a one of the car brand in Malaysia, its produce several modern type of vehicles. For example: Proton Saga, Proton Wira, Pesona, Gen 2, Waja and several types more.

Perodua is almost same as proton, it also is a famous company that develop vehicles in Malaysia. It also produces several modern types of vehicles. Example: Myvi, Viva, Alza and etc. The different between proton and perodua is proton that produce sporty sedan car but perodua car produces most of the car is small and comfy.

Ayamas is a one of the food brand in Malaysia, its produce fried chicken and chicken nuggets. It is a very famous brand in Malaysia.

CSL is a Malaysian based group of electronics companies. It design, manufactures and markets mobile phones, devices, netbook, and provide wireless broadband server.It operates branches in China, Thailand, Singapora and Indonesia

Malaysia product standard is getting higher nowadays.I believe that Malaysia will be one of the greater country in the future.