Tuesday, December 27, 2011


 According to Wikipedia, the Modulor is an anthropometric scale of proportions devised by the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier. It was developed as a visual bridge between two incompatible scales, the Imperial system and the Metric system. It is based on the height of an English man with his arm raised. It was used as a system to set out a number of Le Corbusier's buildings.

Le modular is a scales that develop as a visual bridge. It base on the date of the research about a man's height, size and weight. This scale normally it use as a system for the Le Corbusier's buildingDue to this system, now we have our own country modular that shows us that our resident's height. size and weight. this system help us that how high should we building for our building.

Le Modulor supposes that harmonious design can, must, proceed from a scale of proportions analogous to the scale of tones used in music. This scale is derived from a six-foot high person with one arm above their head, the other hand held at waist high.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Design for different culture

A designer will be design for different culture is because the design should be respect, accept and understand to another country because culture that not all country are the same. For example The V sign is a hand gesture in which the index and middle fingers are raised and parted, while the other fingers are clenched. It has various meanings, depending on the cultural context and how it is presented. It is most commonly used to represent victory, as a symbol of peace but V sign is also an insult largely restricted to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, and the United Kingdom which it means Fuck off.

The picture above showing the v sign is peace.

 As we can see the guy showing his angry face with the v sign which it mean fuck off.

Designer should use generic icon as a guideline because generic icon is simple, easy to recognize and to let different country user easier to understand the product with the help of icon. The languages should use international languages which is English because it is only language that goes worldwide or option that allow for text expansion when translated from English.

generic icon

international languages

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Form follows function & Function follow form

According to research, Form follows function is a principle that states that the shape that something takes should be chosen based on its intended purpose and function.

Form follows function is often applied to architecture, engineering, industrial design and the statement form follows function can applies to graphic design. Form is everything which include form ,shape, colour lines and textures. For designers, form is the elements that make up our designs, with this element designer will know where to put  or what to put in a design. Function is an action and it is an objective of the design whether it is a sign giving directions.

Function needs form in order to achieve its objectives. Form without function is just a blank piece of paper. Function is deciding that a poster would be the best way to inform the general public. Function is specifying how much the band can spend on that poster. Form is choosing the size, colours, fonts, and images based on the function and arranging the text and graphics so that the poster attracts attention and looks good.

But function follow form works totally another way around, function follow form usually use to design buildings For example: from modern building (just a shape of a box) to a special shape of a building. All this building normally have alot of function, it look very special from the outside and inside have a lot of function.

Exhibition booth

Exhibition booth is a way for branding of a company to show thier product to the customer.  Exhibitions booth are always organize at exhibition halls, centers, foyers and shopping malls. This is easier for people to take part of the activities. The exhibition booth design is very important because it can attract more people and the deisgn will make the exhibition look more interesting and nicely.

There have some creative exhibition booth design

Logo design

Logo is the first image that user or customer to see or recognize. No matter where the customer come from, which country know which language, they still can recognize  the logo. A logo is a easiest image to recognize, with or without colour and typography it still can become a meaningful and easy recognizable to everyone. A good logo can attract customer and makes them remember the logo of the company.

Logo is a image that very independent. it can stand by itself with only few shape or just a typo. it is simple, nice and easy way to anyone to remember a image for a company. A logo represent the image of the company.

Some example of creative logo design

Creative fish shape logo

CRB bicycle group logo

 The s shape is like a sushi

this logo is design for women shoes

Monday, December 12, 2011

bus stop model

Bus Stop Project
Before i start my bus stop model , firstly I do experiment on colour that which one is most suitable for the bus stop design.

The picture above is the template of bus stop with my design.

This is my final bus stop model. This bus stop model is more focus on black and red colour and I put the logo at the roof is to get people attention and people can faster and easier to recognize the brand of the product when while waiting bus. There have two of the advertising that I put in the bus stop is to let people know more about the product.